Day 6 – Lockdown Diaries

Do you know what sort of a person you are?

Let me elaborate – are you the kind of person who draws out supplies till they can be replenished;  who uses the bare minimum everyday in an attempt to make a favourite jam or lotion last as long as possible. Or are you the type who will continue to consume your regular stuff in the regular pace till it is over – and then decide what to do.

Indeed the lockdown has landed me enough opportunities to check out personality traits in action. So if you are the former type, in the above instance, you are probably more risk averse, wanting to stick to the familiar, the tried-and-tested. On the other hand if you prefer to live at your usual pace and think of crossing the proverbial bridge only when you come upon it, you probably more open to exploring options and taking chances.

Image courtesy: verywellmind

Similarly, you can use this lockdown to check where you stand on the Extroversion spectrum – are you going out of your mind not being able to socialize or are you just thankful for an excuse now to refuse all those boring party invites. How about Conscientiousness – are you particular about not grabbing from the grocery aisles any more than you need or do you swear silently – “to hell with who needs what, I am going home with my 6 egg trays”! Neuroticism is perhaps the easiest to spot – are you obsessing about how much bother the lockdown is causing, all this wariness, uncertainty, plans-down-the-drain. Or are you just coasting through the balmy summer days – if you can’t change anything, why worry!!


Umm…here is what my evening tea looked like today. Rather darker than usual since I am measuring out the milk with a stingy hand till my preferred cartons are back in the store. But yes, taking pleasure, in my limited-stock, ginger-infused jaggery cubes to add that Nilgiris pizzaz to my tea. So – now, can you figure out my traits….it’s never really that simple, is it??